Entrepreneurship in Pakistan has been the forte of men for long but now we see women stepping into this domain as well. For women, entrepreneurship is a relatively newer field. It is not easy being a female entrepreneur but there are three things you must keep in mind:
Network, network & network!
Female entrepreneurs are a lot in number and together they provide a great support system. Whether you need advice or contacts, networking with female entrepreneurs and mentors will help you a great deal. You can connect with other female entrepreneurs who have had similar journey as yours and get motivation from their stories.
Networking should not be limited to female entrepreneurs only, you must also network with male entrepreneurs, mentors etc. Bottom line is you should network with anyone and everyone, you never know when you might need them.
Choose your mentor wisely
For a newbie in the entrepreneurship circles you need to have a lamppost to guide your way through thick and thin. It is better if women entrepreneurs chose women mentors because their struggle or challenges will be like yours. Having a similar story will help you feel related and knowing that ‘if they made it through, you can too’ will give you great hope.
Your networking will also assist you in finding a mentor so quality networking is directly related to finding a great mentor.
Ask for capital
A study shows that men are more likely to register for financial aid than women. This does not mean that women do not need money, but it means that women are shyer in asking for money. When women do apply for money they apply for less money than they need.
This study is alarming in today’s age where we are striving for equality for both the genders. So, as a woman starting her own business you must not be shy in asking for money for your startup. There is absolutely no shame in asking money for starting your own business.
So ladies, once you’ve had these points on your fingertips, let nothing stop you from being the most successful entrepreneur there is.